In the month and a half since I published my 2019 Goals, I have experienced a lot. Some positive, some not great. But everything hopefully working towards something better. I realized that some goals may have been….. unrealistic. And so I’m not giving up, but I am refocusing some of them for myself, and to make them more beneficial for my development. Listed below are my 2019 Goals, with changed ones in red.
- Learn and perfect 3 different knots.
- Save $1000 dollars.
- Write a short film (and produce it).
- Edit my 2018 NaNoWriMo material.
- Be active or exercise 4 times a week. I’m not changing this one, but refocusing it. I recently found out that I need to loose weight for medical reasons. I currently weigh 335 pounds, and ideally I would like to aim to being under 300 eventually. In the beginning of March, I will be working with a personal trainer, and so at least 3 other days of the week I need to be going to the gym (or some other activity). I actually have been making good progress of at least showing up to the gym everyday, so I need to then transform that habit to making sure my workout/exercise is going up.
- Celebrate Holidays with Friends (including my birthday).
- Read 52 books. I work in theatre. I read a shit ton of plays. I also love reading plays. While plays might not be novels, it’s still words, and my goal is to make sure I’m at least getting words in my brain. So I’m changing this goal: I can count plays towards 52 books, but at least 12 of my 52 have to be novels/historical fiction/not plays. If I finish 12 before the year is over, I can create a stretch goal. But this is where I am right now.
- Finish the AFI Top 100 list of films.
- Have a piece of writing to premiere at Fertile Ground Festival next year (2019).
- Publish a post on this blog once a month.
- Write a monologue, a 10 minute play, and a one act play sometime in the year.
These may not seem like significant changes, but I think it’s important to be real with what I can accomplish/what I care about. I love plays. I work in theatre. There probably is some lingering shame just because I used to read a lot when I was younger. The truth is, I had a lot less to do when I was younger, and able to check six books out from the YA shelf at the library on Friday and bring them back read cover to cover on Monday. But I also work several jobs, and am trying to dive into community events.
So here we go: I’m not giving up. I just am refocusing my priorities. Thanks for sticking with me on this journey.